About Secure and Safe Software

It’s more essential than ever before to ensure that your software is protected with the best security protocols. Hackers are everywhere. It’s important to use a computer software that can detect even the tiniest of vulnerabilities. This will ensure you’re always up to date with the latest cyber-attacks.

There are a variety of ways to ensure that your software is up-to date, including patching and regularly evaluating your system’s security protocol. Another essential method is to implement security measures like encryption, which converts usable data into a non-readable format which makes it more difficult for malicious attackers to get your personal data.

It is crucial to build security into your software, and not to add it later. This is known as security by design. it ensures that security features are aligned with your software’s behavior as well as design which prevents the reactive approach which creates vulnerabilities for attackers.

Security-by-design can only be achieved only when your software is equipped with proper tools and frameworks. This is why the BSA has developed the Secure Software Framework, an outcome-focused tool that helps everyone involved in the software industry–developers, vendors, customers, policymakers, and others — communicate and evaluate security outcomes for their individual products and services.

No matter if your company is creating automotive, aerospace, railway, healthcare, defense, or IoT systems, you’ll need an coding standard such as MISRA to guide development and ensure security. With automated SAST, such as Klocwork, you can cut down on time by using the tool to review your code for MISRA violations, instead of doing manually line-by-line. Sign up for a free trial to test whether Klocwork SAST helps you write more secure and safer software.

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